Horse scratches affect the horses hoof and
hock. Symptoms
include scabby, cracked areas, tender feet and, in some cases,
lameness. Causes associated with
Horse Scratches include bacteria,
parasites i.e. fungus, allergies, photosensitivity, poor or
improper nutrition, irritants i.e. deworming chemicals,
antibiotics, soil, bedding etc.
Horse Scratches is
also know as foot rot, greasy heel cracked heel and
----- Original Message -----
From: Connie..........
Monday, January 07, 2008 9:09 AM
This product is GREAT! We have Paint horses and have been dealing with
cases of “scratches” for over two years and have tried everything else
without success until I found Riotte. After much sweat, blood, and
tears…and huge vet bills, we are finally free of scratches except for a
couple of spots on one horse and that is 99% healed. We were diligent
in applying the Riotte twice a day for two weeks, then tapering from
daily and now down to twice weekly. The best part is that we don’t have
to clip, scrub, pick, or dig at the scabs and our horses are much
happier. Your product is WONDERFUL! I took it to my vet and he is
very interested as well.
Thanks for a great product!
Connie J ..........
Document is on file at EcoChem)
----- Original Message -----
From: margot.....
To: admin@ecochem.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 8:26 PM
Subject: riotte
I just wanted to tell you that riotte worked very well for my
horse in Colorado. At first I could not get rid of the scratches by
applying riotte as directed, even when I applied it several times a day.
So I soaked gauze pads in the riotte solution and bandaged the pad
right on my horse's back heels. Most of the scratches dropped right off
when I took the bandage off a day later. After rebandaging one more
time, the scratches were mostly gone. I really appreciated that I never
had to scrub or pick off any scabs, and I know my horse appreciated that
too. Thanks! -Margot
Document is on file at EcoChem)
----- Original Message -----
From: Arja....
Monday, July 09, 2007 9:21 AM
Judy: Your product works wonders, but after almost cleaning up Peppy's
scratches, I had to go out of town for a few days and lord come home to
a very lame horse, swollen and can't walk on the one back leg. I feel
so bad, but I thought I had them under control. Anyway, I want to order
another 2 and send them the same way you did before. Thanks. Lynda I
still have one full one left but want to have more on hand. Thanks
Document is on file at EcoChem)
Original Message -----
From: Taft........
Thursday, September 28, 2006 9:47 AM
I wanted to write to let you know that I ordered your
product Riotte
for horse scratches, and WOW! I have two sorrel horses,
both with four
white socks and hooves, and I have delt with scratches more
than once. Last
Fall I had a full blown case of it, and through my vet had
used all kinds of
products, antibiotics, and steroids to help him get rid of
it, all to no
avail. I did a search for it on-line to see if there was
any other options
to help my poor horse, and that's when I found your
website. I read some
comments, and figured I didn't have anything to lose. I was
willing to try
anything at this point.
Your product was so
easy to use, and worked
overnight! That's right, OVERNIGHT!! My horses leg was
swollen clear to
the knee, and beat red!! I sprayed Riotte on it the night I
got it, and the
next morning, the reddness was gone. I applied it
again that morning, and
that night, the swelling was gone! UNBELIEVABLE!! I am so
impressed with
this product, I gave the website, and product name to my
vet, two big horse
farms in the area, and a bunch of friends that have all delt
with scratches,
and spent a lot of money trying to cure it. Again,
-Brandy from Michigan
Document is on file at EcoChem)
----- Original Message -----
From: Jerry ...
To: Ecochem
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 10:13 AM
Subject: Riotte
...after a few day ,the
scratches were going. The horse is completely healed. The
product works and works well
without any effort.
Thanks a lot.
Document is on file at EcoChem)
Original Message -----
From: Prior...
To: admin@ecochem.com
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 2:14 PM
Subject: Uses for Riotte
Earlier this year I purchased Riotte to treat my Arab's
greasy heel. I was absolutely amazed at how quickly and
thoroughly the condition was eliminated. Within 3 weeks,
all traces of the scabs were gone and there hasn't been any
more fungus since then.
Can Riotte also be used to treat normal summer fungus that
we experience here in the Southern U.S.? Specifically,
facial and body fungus that occurs due to mix of sweat and
dirt? I have been trying to treat existing spots where the
hair has come off with Betadine cleanser and a product
called Fungisan. This hasn't helped at all. If it is safe,
I'd like to try Riotte. Please let me know.
Thank you,
Troup, Tx., USA
Document is on file at EcoChem)
----- Original Message -----
From: ...............@charter.net>
To: admin@ecochem.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 8:01 PM
Subject: (no subject)
Dear Sir,
I have been using your product with fabulous results on my
horses. The fact that I can simply spray on the Riotte and not pick at the
scratches is well worth the cost. Not only it's ease but the
effectiveness is outstanding.
However I have two questions:
1. How long will the solution remain effective after it is
2. Can I use it on my Labrador's ears who get fungus
infections regularly?
Please let me know.
Your faithful customer,
Eileen H...
Document is on file at EcoChem)
----- Original Message ----- |